We craft customized service solutions for each client based on their specific needs, not ours.

Risk Management

Risk Management, Safety, & Workers’ Compensation

The health and safety of our Client Employees is of paramount importance to SES. It’s common sense that the safer employees feel in their work environment, the more productive they are. SES can help you protect your company from costly workplace injuries and claims by providing a comprehensive risk management program, including workers’ compensation insurance and customized safety programs.

  • Provide access to “pay as you go” workers’ compensation coverage in multiple states
  • Eliminate workers’ compensation insurance audits under our Master Workers’ Compensation Policy
  • Eliminate Premium Deposits for most States (excluding MCP States and Stand Alone Policies)
  • Review your current Safety and Risk Management Program, and make recommendations to enhance existing programs.
  • Compile and implement a customized Risk Management, Safety Program and Safety manual specifically designed to meet a client’s Scope of Operations and Compliance Requirements. **
  • Perform on-site Safety Analysis and Risk Audits**
  • Work with our clients to reduce the frequency and severity of claims in problem areas
  • Assist with setting up a “Return To Work/Light Duty” Program
  • Keep you updated and in compliance with workplace safety regulations and coverage requirements
  • Process all Workers’ Compensation Claims
  • Assist with implementing a Drug Free Workplace Program
  • Provide Certificates of Insurance to Vendors and Contractors, including Waivers of Subrogation and Additional Employer Endorsements
  • Assist Clients with obtaining necessary Safety and OSHA Training**

** Additional Fees would apply